Saturday, 26 October 2013

The Lies and The Truth

And they bend their tongues like their bow for lies. Jer 9:3 

O LORD, are not thine eyes upon the truth? Jer 5:3 

Lies have no purity. They will admit anything inside them. Truth is white and pure. Lies wear the coat of many colors.

Lies don’t walk alone. They walk in a pack like ravenous wild beasts. Lies, if they have to hang, don’t hang alone. Lies will take their friends with them.

But truth should rather hang than lie. Truth admits no impurities. Truth pays care to its health and beauty not to be soiled. If he lied truth knows it’s the surest way to become ugly. Beside he cannot. He wouldn’t even contemplate. He cannot go against his nature. Truth is clean. You can wipe a dish cloth on its surface and there will be not a single speck of dust. Truth wears only white. You cannot find mud splashed on it.

Truth does not fear. When others stampede in a dash for life truth stands alone, fearless and courageous. Truth does not fear to die. Truth fears no man.

Truth does not wear make-up. Truth is himself.  Well, truth admits no affectation. It wears no fake parts. It admits only the original. Truth cannot be bought. It admits no price. Everything else is cheap compared to it.

Truth has an uncanny ability to detect a lie. Flattery will not lie to it. Truth will recognize it, and scorn it. Truth knows a cheat when he sees him a mile off. Nothing can lie against the truth. It will return to you and it will eat you up.

You may harm the truth but it will never die. It always rises again from the dust. Truth will haunt you. But it will stop when you accept it. It will become your friend. It will protect you, and guide you. It will never leave you nor forsake you. Truth will die for you.

Truth demands loyalty. It will be annoyed if you mix it with other friends not like it. Truth will get sick when it is denied.

Truth is jealous. It will give you up to your desires when you scorn it. Then what happens to you will be your own problem. Truth will not be there to protect you. But it will come if you call on it in truth and with a contrite heart. Truth forgives, it forgives and remembers your sins no more if repented.

It is a lonely life to be far away from the truth.

Truth and lies cannot coexist. One has to go and the other remains. Truth has few friends therefore it is often a lonely house.

Truth convicts. It stands upright and it is as straight as a pole. Lies are not so. They bend and shrink when it gets too hot. They rarely stand alone but require more lies to be strengthened. Without more lies for support they are blown down like the dust.

Truth never exhausts its reservoirs. But lies do. Eventually all lying missiles in the world will be exhausted. Then lies will flee under the heavy barrage of truth. Truth will never surrender but lies will. Eventually lies, to avoid being killed, will apostatize, renouncing their king and their faith.

Lies are always cold. Truth is always hot. You will never find any other like truth. I am Jesus Christ. I am the truth, the way and life.

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