Have not I commanded
thee? Be strong and of a good courage; be not afraid, neither be thou dismayed:
for the LORD thy God is with thee whithersoever thou goest. Jos 1:9
Fear cripples. It paralyses. And because of it lives
die. And yet when one has missed that - his true calling in this life, then
automatically he sets himself up for depression throughout his entire life. No
two people are exactly alike in this life whether in their desires, eccentricities
or foibles. We all have crosses and temptations but which are particular to our
own individual and unique self.
And frictions happen because we forget that, or
because of what the writer George Morrison has called The Tyranny of Type in
one of his devotional sermons. But many times we shun our callings in life
because they are not popular, or there is no money in them, or because of outright
fear. And so many bury their talents, like the man in the parable. But the end
result for abandoning one’s calling is always depression later on in life.
I have met people. But they had been silent all
their lives. And then they spoke, as if out of the blue. I didn’t know them,
and they didn’t know me. But they spoke. And nothing but pathos came running
like a flood out of their mouths. Why did they speak to me like that, and not
to their loved ones? In a drift, they decried their lost lives. They had gained
everything in life but what they had lost in it was much, much more! It is
interesting. To escape poverty they had closed their eyes to everything. And now
riches had opened their eyes to everything. It is a sudden clarity which can blind,
kill or redeem when it strikes one.
‘Every good gift and
every perfect gift is from above, and cometh down from the Father of lights,
with whom is no variableness, neither shadow of turning’ (Jas 1:17). May God
grant us all the courage to live that truth. Yes
it is sad but true. One can be in ministry and be depressed all their lives. One
can also be in full ministry but only become born again after they have
retired. Even sadder one can be in marriage and be lonely all their lives - until
they go back to the field and search the place where they had buried their
gift! And finding it they find themselves for the first time in their lives. But
even more than finding themselves they find a treasure or the pearl of their
lives – their God! And it is only then they can begin to enjoy their God in
truth and spirit, and even more, they begin to understand for the first time the
real meaning of fear and courage.
Writes Paul the following nuggets concerning
spiritual gifts: ‘Now
concerning spiritual gifts, brethren,
I would not have you ignorant… Now
there are diversities of gifts, but the same Spirit.
And there are differences of administrations, but the same Lord. And there are diversities of operations, but it
is the same God which worketh all in all… For the body is not one member, but
many (1Co 12:1, 4-6, 14). ‘For I would that all men were even as I
myself’ expounds Paul, ‘But every man hath his proper gift of God, one after
this manner, and another after that… Brethren, let every man, wherein he is
called, therein abide with God’ (1Co 7:7, 24). Be
bold therefore, brothers and sisters (encourages Paul further), for, ‘Ye are bought with a price; be not ye the
servants of men’ (1Co 7:23). And once you get your gift back, that
satisfaction will begin to show on your face not only now, but it will continue
even in your death and after. God we desire to glorify your name forever. Please
help us find the purposes for which you called us here!
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